Monday, October 29, 2012

Report Cards and parent conference week

Hey folks,

First trimester report cards are coming home on be on the look-out! Also, you should have gotten a confirmation sheet from me on Friday for your conference time the week of November 5th-9th. Thanks!

Mr. C

Math Facts Monday!

Hey folks,

I told the kids in class today...if there's a week to memorize some math facts, this is the week! We've got the 5x table this week. Just remember...practice saying them out-loud! Example: "Five times one is five."


Good luck! Don't forget to check in for trivia Tuesday tomorrow!

Mr. C

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Tuesday Trivia!

Hey folks!

Tuesday Trivia is back! Sorry the post is so late...I'm assuming the kiddos are in bed! I will extend the due date from tomorrow to get your answers in Thursday morning!

Today was our drug-free week theme day in which kids could bring in their favorite stuffed animal. Here's your question:

Teddy bears are a very common stuffed animal these days, but they weren't always around. Who is credited as the inventor of the teddy bear? Question 2: Who is the original teddy bear named after?

Answers by Thursday!

Mr. C

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Felix Baumgartner free-falls from space

Hey folks,

So I'm not sure if you caught this one today...but Felix Baumgartner, a former military parachuter, broke the record for highest free-fall today. He went up for over 2 hours in a capsule attached to a helium balloon, and, from 128,000 ft. above the Earth's surface (approximately 23 miles up) he jumped!

Baumgartner free-falled for 4 minutes and 19 seconds, also breaking the sound barrier (768 miles per hour!) on his way down.

If you want to check out the video, it's here:

Hmm...maybe Mr. C should try something like this some day! What do you say, Red Bull?

Mr. C

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Just checking in! And...veteran's day

Hey folks,

I realize I haven't posted since we tracked bad! It's been a busy break for Mr. Cuoco so far. As you already know, I spent our first weekend of track-off in Baltimore for the Baltimore Book Festival (which went great, by the way!) I've since subbed two days (one at ANR!) and last weekend was my best friend's wedding up in Granby.

I hope people take a look at this post, because I have something important to discuss with the class when we return from track-off...Veteran's Day! It's coming up soon, and just like last year, we have an assignment. However, I want to do it in a unique way this year.

Students will be answering the question "What do America's Veterans mean to you?" Please...discuss this at home with your child because it's very important! I had a great conversation with my class last year about the bravery and dedication it takes to be willing to put your life on the line for your country. Many young students do not understand a lot of the truths about what it means to serve. We will be discussing this the day we return, and my hope is to make a whole-class video in which students share some of their ideas to answer the question. We could potentially win a school and district prize in which we get to go to Pueblo for the Veteran's walk field trip, which would be a great experience for the kids. thinking and using those brains of yours over track-off! I'll be on a little bit more now to post neat things that I find for the kids to check out while they're off. Have a wonderful break and see you soon!

Mr. C