Monday, September 30, 2013

Monday Math Facts 9/30/13

Hey folks,

*REMINDER* Running of the Antelope collections are DUE THURSDAY! Get them in on time!

This week is the 8x table:

8x1 = 8
8x2 = 16
8x3 = 24
8x5 = 40
8x6 = 48
8x7 = 56
8x8 = 64
8x9 = 72
8x10 = 80
8x11 = 88
8x12 = 96

Good luck! Have them memorized and ready to recite for Friday!

Mr. C

Friday, September 27, 2013

Running of the Antelope: A perspective

Hey folks,

I was driving to work this morning and got to thinking...

Running of the Antelope is in the books! How can we earn lots of money for our school? Here are some ways to convince your family and friends to donate.
1.  First, throw the numbers at them. We ran 13,607 laps as a school. Each lap is 1/16 of a mile…that means we ran 850 miles as a school! Each student averaged 1.35 miles.
2.  Next, put the numbers in perspective. If we ran the Running of the Antelope as a relay, our school ran from Denver, CO to Los Angeles, CA!
3.  Be convincing. Currently, a Southwest Airlines flight from Denver, CO to Los Angeles, CA is about 200 dollars. A Greyhound bus ride would cost 180 dollars (standard fare.)
4.  Sell it. Explain that the LEAST your parents could do is give you the money necessary to travel from Denver to LA…or instead, give you the money so you can roll around in a giant hamster ball!

Hope you enjoyed that!

Mr. C

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Tuesday Trivia 9/25/13

Hey folks,

Sincerest apologies for missing trivia last night!

Reminder: TOMORROW is Running of the Antelope! Make sure to wear you Cuocosaurus shirt or a green shirt, and any other green! And wear sneakers! Try to get as many pledges as possible before we run tomorrow!

In the spirit of our fun run tomorrow, our trivia question will relate to distance running. The marathon is a long distance race, named after the fabled run by a Greek soldier from the Battle of Marathon to Athens.
1. What is the distance of a modern marathon?
2. What is the world record for fastest marathon by a man? A woman?

Good luck! Bring in your answers tomorrow for good bucks, and be ready to run run run at the Running of the Antelope tomorrow afternoon! Parents are welcome...we run at 2:00.

Mr. C

Monday, September 23, 2013

Monday Math Facts 9/23/13

Hey folks,

As a reminder, RUNNING OF THE ANTELOPE is THIS THURSDAY, SEPT 26th. Make sure you get as many pledges as possible, whether they are flat donations or per-lap donations. We will run on Thursday during school (2:00-2:30) and then you will collect your pledge money the following week.

Now...math facts. This week is the 7x table:

7x1 = 7
7x2 = 14
7x3 = 21
7x4 = 28
7x5 = 35
7x6 = 42
7x7 = 49
7x8 = 56
7x9 = 63
7x10 = 70
7x11 = 77
7x12 = 84

Good luck! Have them memorized for Friday!

Mr. C

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Tuesday Trivia 9/17/13

Hey folks,

We didn't get an opportunity to do the 6x table last Friday, and since Thursday is the last day this week, we will stay on the 6x table for Monday Math Facts.

Here's your trivia question for tonight:

Today is Constitution Day! We celebrate our national document of supreme law, the Constitution of the United States.

Many people falsely believe that the Constitution was put into effect on July 4th, 1776 (Independence Day). However, that's not true!

1. When was the U.S. Constitution adopted?
2. When was the document "put into effect?"
3. How many times has the Constitution been amended, or changed?

Good luck! Bring in your answers tomorrow!

Mr. C

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Tuesday Trivia 9/11/13

Hey folks,'s your Tuesday trivia, just on Wednesday!

Today in class, connected to our lessons about text features, we MADE OUR OWN PIZZAS! It was a delicious lesson, and educational to boot!

Your trivia question is as follows:
Where was the modern pizza first invented? (Hint: This European city is where Mr. Cuoco's family comes from! Hmmm..."cuoco" means "cook"...maybe my great, great, great, great grandfather invented pizza!

2. What is the current world record for biggest pizza?

Good luck!

Mr. C

Monday, September 9, 2013

Monday Math Facts 9/9/13

Hey folks,

It's another week and therefore another multiplication table! We did the 4x table last week, but of course, the 5s are a little we're going to skip forward to the 6x table! Have it memorized and ready to recite for Friday, and good luck!

6x1 = 6
6x2 = 12
6x3 = 18
6x4 = 24
6x5 = 30
6x6 = 36
6x7 = 42
6x8 = 48
6x9 = 54
6x10 = 60
6x11 = 66
6x12 = 72

Mr. C

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Monday Math Facts/Tuesday Trivia 9/3/13

Hey folks,

First of all, our Monday Math Facts for this week is the 4x table.

4x1 = 4
4x2 = 8
4x3 = 12
4x4 = 16
4x5 = 20
4x6 = 24
4x7 = 28
4x8 = 32
4x9 = 36
4x10 = 40
4x11 = 44
4x12 = 48

Good luck! Have them ready to recite on Friday.

Tonight's trivia question:
Today in geography, we learned that [by land area] the United States is the world's 3rd largest country, behind Russia and Canada.
1. What are the 4th and 5th largest countries by land area?
BONUS: What are the top three countries by POPULATION?

Good luck! Get it turned in tomorrow!
