Friday, September 27, 2013

Running of the Antelope: A perspective

Hey folks,

I was driving to work this morning and got to thinking...

Running of the Antelope is in the books! How can we earn lots of money for our school? Here are some ways to convince your family and friends to donate.
1.  First, throw the numbers at them. We ran 13,607 laps as a school. Each lap is 1/16 of a mile…that means we ran 850 miles as a school! Each student averaged 1.35 miles.
2.  Next, put the numbers in perspective. If we ran the Running of the Antelope as a relay, our school ran from Denver, CO to Los Angeles, CA!
3.  Be convincing. Currently, a Southwest Airlines flight from Denver, CO to Los Angeles, CA is about 200 dollars. A Greyhound bus ride would cost 180 dollars (standard fare.)
4.  Sell it. Explain that the LEAST your parents could do is give you the money necessary to travel from Denver to LA…or instead, give you the money so you can roll around in a giant hamster ball!

Hope you enjoyed that!

Mr. C

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