Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Tuesday Trivia 11/13/12

Hey folks!

Time for another addition of Tuesday Trivia! First, a few reminders: the canned food drive ends on Thursday, so make sure you get your donations in! Also, ANR is taking plastic grocery bags for donation to win an Albertson's gift card! And finally...make sure you study your 7s table this week so you can win more tickets!

This week's question: In social studies class, we've been learning about the native peoples of Colorado. Many of these people encountered very few Europeans until after the American Colonies won their freedom from the British and started moving westward. Obviously, there were many other natives living on the east coast of North America before the colonies were established, too. One of the first settlements established was on an island in North Carolina, which was near a group of what were considered peaceful native Americans. However...that colony, and all it's residents, eventually disappeared and were never heard from again!

1. What was the name of the European settlement in North Carolina that suddenly disappeared without a trace?
2. What was the word carved into a tree that was the single clue left for the settlers that returned to the colony after traveling back to Europe?

This is a hard one! Good luck!

Mr. C

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