Friday, August 31, 2012

Weekend Fix: [Sort Of] Educational games

Hey folks,

So, it's a long weekend. Hopefully you all have fun, outdoor plans. I, for one, will be selling my book at A Taste of Colorado all weekend. Here's to hoping it goes well!

I thought I'd introduce a couple of fun computer games that get your mind thinking too.

What do you get when you combine a little cartoon character with a scarf riding a sled, and physics? You get line rider. Line rider uses lines with different speeds to make the sled rider go down the track. Can you make him do a loop? Can you make him go off a jump and land safely? Try it out! It's a personal favorite.

The other game is called Technitone. It's featured on a new Google Chrome commercial. You have to download Google Chrome, but it's really easy to download and install. Once you have Chrome, you can try playing Technitone, a game in which you can make music with different instruments....very addicting!

Enjoy and have a great weekend,

Mr. C

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Solar System/Moon Science test


I sent home the Science tests today. While some kids did great, it was a very challenging test. As a note, this is a new unit to fourth grade, and is also my first time teaching and assessing it. Our class was the first to have the unit, and therefore were my "baseline."

Now that I have given the assessment, I know what I have to change and emphasize for next time when I have the other fourth grade classes. Therefore, I think it's only fair that ANY student who wants to re-take the test to improve their grade will be given that opportunity. I will send a letter home tomorrow explaining this more, for those that don't check the blog regularly.

As always, any other questions, comments, or concerns can be emailed to me. Thanks again for all that you do, for being so supportive, and for being involved in your child's education!

Mr. C

Tuesday Trivia

Hey folks,

Sorry I'm a little late on the trivia! I've been doing work and forgot. I will accept answers tomorrow OR Thursday since I'm late.

Right now, I'm reading SLOB by Ellen Potter to the kids during read aloud. The next book I plan on reading is my ALL-TIME favorite book. It's called The Phantom Tollbooth by Norton Juster.

Question 1: What was the original publication year of The Phantom Tollbooth?
Question 2: What are the names of the two princesses that the main character, Milo, must rescue from the Castle in the Air?

Good luck! Get me your answers tomorrow or Thursday!

Mr. C

Monday, August 27, 2012

Oops! My apologies (again)

Hey folks,

I have to apologize again this morning. On Friday, I sent a letter home saying I forgot my grade book and would be sending home work today. Well...oops. I looked for it this morning, but not very well...and thought, "hey, maybe I actually DID leave it at work!" Unfortunately, it wasn't at work, and it must have gotten moved somewhere at home. My sincere apologies, and I will send the graded work home ASAP.

It was actually a good "teachable moment" with the kids this morning. I had to apologize to them, too, because I forgot to buy more candy for the kids that I owed them from Friday. I talked about how it crossed my mind to not mention anything, and hope they forgot about it until tomorrow. But, just like I ask that they be upfront and honest with me when they forget their homework, I have to be mutually upfront and honest with them. That's how we build trust, and that's the only way it's fair. I guess we all make mistakes!

So again, my deepest apologies and I will send home the work tomorrow. Sorry for any inconvenience, and please feel free to email me with any comments, questions, or concerns.

Mr. C

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Sidebar: Mr. Cuoco is excited

Hey folks!

I know it's late, but I thought I'd share...

First, I'm excited to have the kids work with their book buddies on Friday. Today, they literally learned how to become a teacher...we wrote lesson plans for a good reading lesson! Ask your child about it...he or she will tell you all about it, and they're really enthusiastic.

Next, thanks to one of our students and his family (I'd love to give credit, but internet stuff should remain anonymous...but the kids know who he is!) we got to use an authentic telescope today. Kids got to read a street sign through our window that was several hundred yards away, see the veins on leaves from a tree more than 100 yards away...and then they wrote secret messages on index cards that they got to read out in our field from about 150 yards away! It was great.

Did you see the moon tonight? It may have been too cloudy...but it should have been visible in the south west without cloud cover...if you couldn't see it, just ask your child what moon phase would have been visible...they'll know.

Over the next couple of days...expect to see some writing/math/reading related trivia, videos, and other fun stuff!

Mr. C

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The Student Becomes the Teacher

Hey folks,

I mean this quite literally! This is an extension of the updates post that appears a bit lower down.

If you were at the back-to-school-night, you have an idea of how I run my Reading class. I like to use shorter stories rather than whole novels in the beginning of the year, and with each story, focus on specific reading skills. Then, at the end of that story (normally 6-8 school days) students take a general comprehension quiz with an extended written response related to the reading skill we worked on.

We just finished reading an excerpt from Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing, focusing more specifically on character traits. The class took their quiz today and wrote their extended responses, and I will hopefully have those graded soon.

But here's the cool part! Our class will be partnering with Mrs. Sullivan's 2nd grade class this year for book buddies every Friday. During our half hour with the little ones, OUR students are going to TEACH the 2nd grade students about character traits! The class seemed pretty excited about it when I told them today...because for the next two days, they are going to apply their skills with character traits to help design a real lesson that they will then teach to the 2nd they are literally going to plan, implement, and reflect on their lesson like a teacher does!

The best part about doing this is, you learn way more if you can teach something. If you can learn a skill, and then teach it to someone else, that really shows that you have a clear understanding of that skill. I'm excited for the kids to show me what they know, and benefit the 2nd graders along the way!

Don't forget to answer the Tuesday Trivia, as well as check out the other updates, cassini pictures, and the HST pictures in the previous post!

Mr. C

Hubble Space Telescope gallery

Hey folks,

Today in Science class, we talked about telescopes and the different types of telescopes. My hope is that, as a class, we will eventually build our own reflecting telescope.

We also talked about the Hubble Space Telescope, which is in orbit around Earth and takes some pretty remarkable pictures. The kids got to look at some of the pictures and were pretty excited to show their's the link! Enjoy!

Hubble Space Telescope

Mr. C

[EDIT] WOW! Go to the "image tours." I was disappointed that a lot of the pictures in the gallery don't have captions, but the image tours go into detail about the different parts of the pictures and what it is, exactly, that you're looking at! Enjoy!

Updates and homework 8/21

Hey folks,

Friendly reminder: Running of the Antelope is this Saturday, starting at 8:00 AM! Come have some pancakes, run the course, and support your school! Unfortunately, as a class we did not reach our no green mohawk for Mr. C

Students took their first Reading assessment of the year, on Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing. I will be grading those soon and hopefully they will be coming home in Friday Folders.

Our class is starting book buddies this Friday with Mrs. Sullivan's second graders. Our fourth graders will be teaching those students about character traits, which has been our focus in class for the last couple of weeks.

Spelling homework is due tomorrow! Write each word two times.

All other homework is the same...reading log due Friday, math study links 2.2.

Enjoy your Tuesday evening, and answer the trivia question!

Mr. C

Tuesday Trivia

Hey folks,

The Mars Space Lab(MSL) also nicknamed "Curiosity" landed just over two weeks ago. This mission, of course, isn't even close to the first time NASA sent something to Mars! The two rovers from the Viking Program landed in 1976, and the Mars Pathfinder probe began its mission in 1997. Then, in 2003, two new rovers-Spirit and Opportunity- hit Martian soil in 2003.

Mars, however,  is in our own back yard compared to the distances that we have sent other spacecraft. Cassini (see previous post) has been orbiting Saturn and its moons since 2004. But here's your question for the week...

What two probes, launched in 1977, were sent on a mission to study the outer solar system and regions beyond?

BONUS: How far away are these probes today, and what region of space might they enter, being the first man-made machine to accomplish this?

Good luck!

Mr. C

Monday, August 20, 2012

Cassini spacecraft

Hey folks,

The Cassini probe took off in 1997, and after a seven year journey (yeah, it takes that long to get there) it made it's first pass of Saturn in 2004. Cassini is still orbiting the gas giant and its sixty moons. The probe sends back beautiful images every day, and you can see them here:

Cassini Saturn


Mr. C

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Running of the Antelope: Money due Monday!

Hey folks,

You heard me! The money envelope for running of the antelope is due Monday. Actually, as long as it's in my hands first thing Tuesday morning, you're probably fine. Money can still be collected after that deadline, but you won't get a shirt, or be entered to win the sweet prizes.

So...go get fundraising! Ask Mom, Dad, older siblings, aunts, uncles, Grandma, Grandpa...five dollars goes a long way.

As a reminder, as a class, if we earn an average of 35 dollars a student (735 dollars) we will have a popcorn party, and if we raise an average of 40 dollars a student, I will show up to the event with a green mohawk! So get to it!

Enjoy your weekend,

Mr. C

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Star Size

Hey folks,

Okay, so we all know the Sun is big. We could fit a million Earths inside our Sun. But how does the Sun's size compare to other stars out there? After all, the Sun is just another star. Well...the Sun is actually pretty normal. But star sizes cover a wide range, from smaller ones that are about the size of Jupiter, to some of the largest that are...well...just watch the video.

Star Sizes

The class also watched a video with me called "Alien Moons" that discusses the varied ecosystems of our solar system's moons. These videos are from an outstanding show on Science Channel called "How the Universe Works." Enjoy!

Mr. C

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

URGENT: Running of the Antelope

Hey folks!

Running of the Antelope, our annual fall fundraiser, will be on August 25th starting at 8:00AM. Student envelopes are DUE on 8/20 (That's this Monday!) Ask Mom, Dad, Grandma and Grandpa, Uncle, Aunt, older siblings, friends, etc for anything they can donate!

To sweeten the pot: each kid needs to raise 35 dollars to get a t-shirt and a medal and to be entered in the drawings for the prizes. THEY CAN STILL BRING IN MONEY AFTER 8/20 but they won't get those gifts. If the class raises 735 dollars (an average of 35 dollars per student) they will get a popcorn party. IF the class raises 850 dollars (about 40 dollars a student) then Mr. C will show up to running of the antelope with...a green, spiked, mohawk!

Good luck! See you there!

Mr. C

Homework 8/15/12

Hey folks!

Homework for tonight is to pick ten words from the spelling list and use them in a sentence. There is NO MATH HOMEWORK tonight because most students didn't finish their test today...but they looked like they were doing a great job! I'm very excited. Lots of math stuff will be coming home in this week's Friday folders.

Reading log, 100 minutes, SIGNED, will be due Friday (as always.)

Tonight's trivia question (for a ticket tomorrow morning) *Who is the famous astronomer that discovered four of Jupiter's moons (Io, Ganymede, Callisto, and Europa)? BONUS trivia question *Who is the scientist that discovered that the Sun is the center of our solar system, not the Earth?

Have a great night!

Mr. C


Hey everyone,

As just one more means of communication, I started a blog for the 2012-2013 school year! Come here to find information on homework, upcoming tests/events, and other news!

Some of the features: If you "follow" this blog (on the right side of the screen) it will send you email updates when there are new posts.

There is a search bar if you can't find the information you're looking for.

At the top of the screen, you can submit an email address and follow the blog by email.

The best method for contacting me is still by phone or email, but this is one additional resource for families! I will probably also add interesting articles, resources, videos, and games that I find online that are related to your child's curriculum...and maybe add other things like weekly trivia questions, spelling lists, etc.

Thanks for checking it out, and come back soon for more updates!

Mr. C