Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Updates and homework 8/21

Hey folks,

Friendly reminder: Running of the Antelope is this Saturday, starting at 8:00 AM! Come have some pancakes, run the course, and support your school! Unfortunately, as a class we did not reach our goal...so no green mohawk for Mr. C

Students took their first Reading assessment of the year, on Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing. I will be grading those soon and hopefully they will be coming home in Friday Folders.

Our class is starting book buddies this Friday with Mrs. Sullivan's second graders. Our fourth graders will be teaching those students about character traits, which has been our focus in class for the last couple of weeks.

Spelling homework is due tomorrow! Write each word two times.

All other homework is the same...reading log due Friday, math study links 2.2.

Enjoy your Tuesday evening, and answer the trivia question!

Mr. C

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