Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Sidebar: Mr. Cuoco is excited

Hey folks!

I know it's late, but I thought I'd share...

First, I'm excited to have the kids work with their book buddies on Friday. Today, they literally learned how to become a teacher...we wrote lesson plans for a good reading lesson! Ask your child about it...he or she will tell you all about it, and they're really enthusiastic.

Next, thanks to one of our students and his family (I'd love to give credit, but internet stuff should remain anonymous...but the kids know who he is!) we got to use an authentic telescope today. Kids got to read a street sign through our window that was several hundred yards away, see the veins on leaves from a tree more than 100 yards away...and then they wrote secret messages on index cards that they got to read out in our field from about 150 yards away! It was great.

Did you see the moon tonight? It may have been too cloudy...but it should have been visible in the south west without cloud cover...if you couldn't see it, just ask your child what moon phase would have been visible...they'll know.

Over the next couple of days...expect to see some writing/math/reading related trivia, videos, and other fun stuff!

Mr. C

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